The Sutter County Farmer from Yuba City, California (2024)

TIIE SUTTER COUNTY FARM UK, FRIHAY, A UR I 21, 1922. WHEATLAND NEWS. ipepmw RAINFALL TO DATE. Precipitation for Month Season and Corresponding1 Pate Last Sea sen. Storm.

Month 2.01 77 2.4S 4.24 2.2(1 .17 Season. .50 77 10.81 17.07 17. ,17 I kite. Get. Nov.

1 oe, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. April 1920 .11 9.24 ltl.ti'.i 21.55 22.78 20.18 20.01 Henry Counts was in town from AAest Butte the first of the week on business.

Mrs. Alvina Steward has sold to IL Choitn her interest in 100 acres of the J. AV. Eager subdivision in this county for $11,700. Several ladies from Ynha City attended a bridge party given yesterday afternoon by Mrs, John Duncan in Marysville.

The Epworth League if Live Dak will present the clever threc-aet farce "AYlien a Feller Needs a Friend" on the 2Ptli inst. Miss Marion Snook arrived front Oakland last Saturday on a visit to her parents. Air. Mrs. j.

snook near Tudor. Miss Snook is attending college in Oakland. Aliss Helen McLaughlin lias returned to Oakland to resume her duties in the schools there after a visit with her parents in Auha City. Thomas Ieters came up from Alameda recentlv mi a visit to relatives .11 12 II .40 .10 Items Taken From "Four Corners el' Last Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. C. A. Eeiehers were in Live Dak Tuesday. I rank Brock lias been spending a lafgo pan of tic past week in Yuba City on jury duty.

A party of Wheatland members of the Kpwmnli League attended the Barry League Friday night. They report a pleasant The Yulia County Fair will he he ltd at Arbogn this year. This decision was reached by the dirtvfors at the meeting held in Marysville last Saturday and augurs well for the success of the Fair, The work (f building Lincolns' new grain elevator is now under way and and th" will he in readiness to handle this season's crop. Those in charge of the new venture have ordered the necessary machinery and expect th" elevator to bo a success. .70 17.

Ml Big Demonstration Saturday, April 22 Expert paint men will demons! ran the relative value of different paint', and show the wonderful pns-ibilitir- for home decoration through the use of Slierw in-AA'i'llianis Products. 7 tine in any time during the day No obligation to buy. Toys Painted Free Bring tie' kiddie- and their Fur one day we will refinish free doll chair-, kiddie-1-ai's and other toys brought to Miir 'tore by eliildien accompanied by their parent-. Renew the finish en your furniture, floors and woodwork with l'h inrlae, the all around varnish 'tain. Woodland Dealer Buys Suiter Basin Asparagus.

E. Lawson, produce commission dealer of AVoodbtnd, Ini' signed a emi-traet for the purchase of the entire Sutter Basin asparagus crop. The company lias 27 acres of the fmest asparagus produced in the State. Mr. and Mrs.

(h R. Boyd are visiting nt Napa. ,1. R. Clements was visitor from Slitter hist Tuesday.

J. AV. Eager was in Sacramento one day last week on business. Harry Dalton, an old resident of Marysville, died in that city last Friday. Contracts for spring iambs at $9 per head ari reported in larems parts of the valley.

The local Ladies' Aid will inch with Mrs. Kelly on street this Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mark Rifenbark and little son of Salt Lake City are visiting Mr. and IL O.

King here. F. II. Marbnf came up from T.os Angeles last week to look after his interests near Live Oak. Several from here will tend the big Xhi'iiiers' meeting at Redding Satin and Sunday.

Miss Leonore Keitliley of San Francisco is visiting cousin. Mrs. Stanley AYalfon at loigtte. Coroner I. AA.

departed Thursday for Fresno to attend the State Cm vo.ition 'oroiers. Louis Regli, George AAngtter and Frank Michel were here from Nicolaus last Tuesday on business, Mr. and Mi-'. I'. Ranh and daughters.

AIi--es Jessie and Alice, visited in Sacramento last Sunday. lrof. Rnbel of the Stale Universitv was here one day last week on business with the Farm Advisur. Aliss Kate A'agedos came 11)1 Sa Frtt icis -o last week on a her siter. Aliss Lizzie Augedc Airs.

0, ('. Reeil and daughter, Illlogeiie, of Sail Jose Were of Alt's, C. A. Duncan here AI'sv Florence Gt'eelv of cisco is visiting her sister, reiice SuhiUig in A'uha City Mrs. AAortliington Ames Mrs.

Albert Cray, wile has been quite ill, is recovering. Frank Lazoar is building a bungalow at his place near Bogue, Mr. and Mis. Alver- weie here fr.un Live Dak last Tuesday. IJ.

On pi to was over from Aleridian the first of the wiek on business. W. A A alker of this plae was in Pan Francisco last week on business. Miss Maud Onsfott is tip from San Francisco on a visit to relative's here. Mrs.

II. A. Woodworth of Gridley visited here last Thursday afternoon. Will Siinuny was a visitor tit town from District 70 the first of the we'k. Mr.

and Mrs. G. F. Moore spent the week end at Willows with l.dativos II. W.

Ileiken lots returned to Sun Francis, -o after a visit with relatives here. Melvin China has accepted a position with the Van Arsdale Mercantile Co. here. Mrs. I).

Stanton wife of the Sheriff of Colusa county, died in Coins i ht-r week. Miss Blanche Cooper is here from the State University on a visit with her parents. John AN'. Bair and family have moved back from AA'ashingtoi to IVn-ningtoii to reside. Homer Loozo panic up from Berkeley last week on a visit to relatives i'i A'uha City.

Miss 1 1 1 Ib'dle Chico over Sunday parents here. AY. Browning, a prominent farmer of Grimes, was here one day last Week oil business, Mrs. AV. is is it lug ber in lists in Ynha City, Dnlv public shower hath in Sutter county at 207 Bridge streel, Ynha Citv, apr7-4t Dtileier has 'turn il Glenn i i 1 1 1 1 after F.

F. TAYT.oR. Bmp Miss Fra nee to her school R. E. LANCE VARIETY 5C Id ,00 STORE nm Hampton Hardware Co.

For This Saturday Only 417-23 3rd St. Marysville i I GRAY ENAMELED KETTLES Standard grade of coated ware that will yi last a long time near Bogue. He was ac mnpani his nephew, Raymond Peters. Airs. Clara P.

T.vtle. Air-. L. J. Tiler.

Airs. 11. AYoodu nali. Gladvs WIN and AC" motor'd to Samaimeiitn la-t Tlmr W. AI Nall of Aleriiban is visiting Airs.

Mnv ('a inuhel 1 at Watsonville. She will also vi'ii her daughter. Ali" Lillian Nall in San Fran-ei'i-o before she returns. E. G.

Ann Ar'dale has deeded ti 111' County of Sutter 01 of an acre ef land to he n-od in making a nine 'v the new emierete highwav at Gu' we-t end of street in A'uha City ATiss T.miise Sehiliig, Il -'tiide'it at Ali" Bernards school, returned to Gakland Sunday after a visit at her home lc'i'e. Site had as her guest. 'Ali'1' Jean Atkins of Arizona, who returned with her. AA i 1 1 i a Burch has resigned hi' posit ion with Aimin' Boot Simp and will devote his time to his orchard interests near A'uha City. Thomas UHianls will take his pin -e in tin 'tore.

County Clerk- Albert Brown returned f-o Jos Angeles where lie attended (he Slate Coiiveti-tion of County Clerks. Me reports a fine trip and that th" delegates were wet! entertained. Aliss Airginiu AAhite and Aliss Astra Almitaguo returned last Sunday from a visit in Berkeley during the Easter vacation They are teachers in the Auha City school. E. S.

AValtmi, who lias been confined to his room for some time with a broken leg. is able to be up and around again but will have to use crutches for some time. Dr. Aurelius Todd, wh has been practicing medicine in Mexico for the past five years, has been visiting his brother, L. J.

Todd at Sutter City and with C. Ingleroek and family near Oswald during the past week. He has gone to Vallejo to see his son. Valley has been the guest of Alls. Stanley Walton during I he past week Dr.

AV. F. Gates of OrovilD was here last AVednesdav conferring with 10 DT. HEAVY GALVANIZED PAILS 29d: a vi'ii near Franklin. AV.

P. Darkey has building improvements north west of ive Oak. Mr'. Jennie to her home in AVi-emi-with relative Aliss Glndv near G'Banimi ln en making on his farm has returned i after a visit Fiiejnal. lias returned after a nl Berkeley Eddies Pint' (Yepe Iloomm's 59(? A complete line of Hosiery from 15 pair np.

(1IL HXAMLL MP SAEEEIAX 1 G-E Motor 1 4-in. Pelton Direct Connected Pump Steel chid dairy pails. These tire heavy plate hriidit tin finish. They tire Exited and have roneave bottoms. A retd bargain 69C TIN PA PY PANS We have Dairy Pans in till the sizes Alade td irood weight, bright tin.

Medium size pans 15C local nfficer-thins. Miss Lizzie imendent 7 i-cinity of Nii Week. Airs, S. J. Blackburn was' in a nee at the Sacramento ferenee representing tin 'Lurch.

Airs. AA, alter S. (tray, a member of the Gmmtv Board of Education, was iti Live Oak last week visiting the schools, F. II. Johnson, a former automobile dealer of Marvsvillo, has been sentenced to San Quentin for forging contracts.

Hampton Hardware Cm has commenced suit against Al'en O'Biinimi of this county to recover Silt! claimed line mi account. The Glee Club of the Sutter High will present the opera tin "In the Garden ef the Shah" at Sutter this Friday evening. Mrs. K. S.

Alalicn will entertain tin' members of her (nidge club this Friday afternoon at her home mi street in Yuba City. The Cnimi Gil Company has a force of men rmi-t riM ing its new service station at the corner of Bridge and El iirnas free is here. The final purtv of the given by the Monday Iv 'luh id take place next Monday cumin I IL It. Mel ail Wile, in eo in Special 29C Geo. W.

Roberts 324 Street Marysville, Calif. to her Studies visit with her mother here. Engineer Erie Cope was up from San last week pn business before the Board of Supervisors. B.vron Asblov and family have moved hack from Oakland to the Ashley place smith of Auha Citv. Air.

and Airs. AAni. ALThuingh San Francisco spent the week end with G. Oii'tott near Auha City. Airs.

Flora Johnson and children returned last week to San Eratimseo after a visit with relatives here. At the Sheriff's sole of rice hinders Li -li i giog to K. Tanul.u Almulav the maehiiu'ry was bought by John Poppa for 1 54 Alis Helen Pennefel her came up "not -i'll I'can'-is'o last week mi a visit to Edward Ami Geidern and fatii-ilv here. All's, a. G.

AVoodwortli. da nghCr and son returned last Sundae from visit to relatives at Sut'er Creek, Amador county. Wo'fe 'arrived ftmn AAc-t Aii'ginia reemitlv on a visit to his sister, AIr. J. II.

Reynolds neai Airs. Barkley was bos' -s to LIP PPLSLPYH KETTLES Wire bails. Italics; speeial 29C PA L.Mofd YH SOAP 3 for 25C i bbeii tied, tinted box STATION ELY Itegular $1.00 values, while thev last 49C BORN. WELTER At the Sutter Hospital. April 19.

1922, to the wife of AV. AA. AAelter. a soil. IIGDGES In San Eram-isoo, April 19, 1922, to the wife of Richard II.

Hodges ef Auha City, a daughter. MARRIED. BRGAVN-IIOAVARD In San Ernie is CO, April IS, 1922, George B. Brown of San Francisco and Ali" L.iprice Howard, formerly of Auha City. IIALE-JOES In San Eranei'fo.

April 15, 1922. John K. Hale of Marysville and Mi's Lesley Jones ef Sacramento. DOWDIN-GILLESPIE In Alary -vide April 15, 1922, Howard Samuel Dow din and Ali" Mary May Gil-o of Live Oak, VARIETY 5c to 1.00 STORE 126 Street Ellis Block MARYSVILLE of Ban-recent ly with B. Loomis.

panied by'i" Ah gor. Maine, visited Ab'lil and family at Mis. Ada AA'eaver I i i'll, who have L. Smith and fauii'v Diamond Rings Spring! inn' is AAeddittg Time AA'edding Time is Diamond Time Our attractive showing of Diamond Rings includes stones of different sizes but one Quality. You can buy these stones mounted or buy the stone and choose your own mounting.

Conte in and see our large display of Diamonds and diamond motiiited jewelry. LEO J. SMITH Successor to Peter hngel J) St reel ,1 and been lie Airs. av. i i i 1 I ret limed to Ts of the Eraid-'iii T.adi theT Il(il- hollies in Sun Elillio Tuesday.

tv hl't We' the lie'll Aid Soi ing day. Stnnies has sud fn E. E. ALm ille his one half i i-rcs of bind lie. ir Sutler Eh iv Johnson forest' in ICO Citv.

of Mi- R'tu Mast) was np from Sao-i lie vv eck end on a i-i I Its. Air. and Air-. C. E.

rameiito for in pari ANOTHER fn A I a 1 i imn Betty Wales Event Wnt Ads. Rati', Ibe line, eaeli in-ortion. AT $39.50 FOR SALE BABY CHICKS AVid'e 1 gl, erii' iT.ueied'i. Buff nud Brown Leglmriis. Aneonas.

Mi-noreas, Buff Orpingtons, R. I. Red'. I i rii'd and White k-. I'riccs r-d d.

ENtM'H CREWS. Seahriglit, Cal. SSGS he April VICTOR Records ARE HERE Sheet Music-Player Rolls G. W. Hall Son 422 Marysville Everything Electrical Whatever your hom*o mav need in tin elect ideal wav vvlfttovor you mav need mi the farm in the wav of motor-, wiring or lamp-, can ho had at r-'gulat' mesi-to-Amei'iean prices.

Out' electrical advice is worth a lot to you also. Estimates on lewe and motor vviiitg eheerfiiliy given. Motor re-winding. H. F.

BERG 404 St. Phone 38 Marysville IS bv arrangement willi llte- Hetty tiles I )i e-sniahem tliat make this exceptional offer. Petty A tiles Dre-D" liavti tliat eolnive smartness yvltieli is the di-- i i 1 i i iif (lie soeia llx elect. mi time loveliness is in every line; youth in the ensemble, a a demure et daring li'C. of Arabitm color goes pn Oriental fas-limttion of tlie patrician Canton Crepe.

Ltd hind has no finer gnvim tlian these. Coni'1 in and see them. Kvcrv pottv Wales Dress nneon 1 1 1 i uttd ly guaranteed. FOR SALE Guernsey heifer calves practically purebred, will make ideal family cows. Clump vvhil" they last.

Saylor Ranch, Gal. Apl4-4t FOR SALE -A Fitch Emir Wheel Drive Tractor. 2ti lip. Never been li-'d. lb gu-i i 1 1 17eo, will sell, iftul-en il' -e, Sjlteo.

one-half down. Iniiiie if Air-'. Dtitiean Moore 102 Kcy-'-r uli.i City. Apl 1-tf l'or Sale or Trade! Eight heifer calve- fioin 1 to 2 years old: three mule colts; two cheap lmrses and 1 riding pony. AYill soil for en-h or will iradc the above 'tuck with the exception of the r'dlng pony, for gnid mill- row- Imp.

in at Abu'-' Ranch near Lomu, Sutter county. aprl 1-' FOR SALE Huroe-Jer-ey weanling I in jit i re of R. VAN MILL. Me- boat ridian, Cal. FDR SA1.E 70 ton- No.

1 oat hay, $17 per ton. at St nip Station. AN-TONE STBTTA. a prl WOOD mil SALE Drv. Khincli oi 'on at v.

i'i 'W 82 77 in 1t Gor lot-: 1 87 in -'nail iiian NL Berg Stay t.ien. E. REDNAEL. l'hime I'll niitrll-tf 1.

The Sutter County Farmer from Yuba City, California (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.